Yep Ive got some core files in /var/core, one for every time
a child crashes

my SSLMutex is set to pthreads
ive tried different settings for SSLMutex in combination
with different settings for SSLSessionCache and I concluded
that problems happen when SSLSessionCache is set to shm
independently of SSLMutex settings

there is a debugger installed with Sun Studio at /opt/SUNWspro/bin/dbx
but Im not familiar with it dont know how to run a backtrace on the core

I could upload the core file somewhere

On 4/23/07, Sander Temme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Apr 23, 2007, at 8:12 AM, Yannick Mercier wrote:

> [Mon Mar 19 08:45:28 2007] [notice] child pid 27827 exit signal Bus
> error (10), possible coredump in /opt/apache

If the httpd child can write to /opt/apache, you're likely to find a
core file there.  We'd be hugely interested in a backtrace of that.
That'd give us the state of the system when the crash occurred, and
would give us insight into what went wrong.

If you don't find that core file, manipulate the core location to be
a directory to which the httpd children have write access. See the
CoreDumpDirectory directive and coreadm(1M).

What's your SSLMutex? Have you tried different settings for that?

> Anyone can help fixing this ? any suggestions ? I built apache with
> Sun Studio 11 under Solaris 8 with mod_authnz_ldap/openldap in 64bit
> with these flags to the compiler -fast -xarch=v9b -xcode=pic32 , I
> then compiled mod_perl and mod_evasive using apxs

I'm not sure how you take backtraces with the debugger that comes
with Sun Studio.  I have it installed on a VMWare image, but before I
can try figure this out I have a lot of bears to cook, so if you, or
someone else, beats me to it that'd be better for all.


Sander Temme
PGP FP: 51B4 8727 466A 0BC3 69F4  B7B8 B2BE BC40 1529 24AF

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