What browser and server versions are you using? There's recently been
some noise about a bug with recent builds of firefox and Apache 1.3
using apreq (which I'm not sure if PHP uses or not).  You can take a
look at https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=356470


Tomas Larsson wrote:
> Dear group.
> It seems that for some reason the APACHE server is terminating file-uploads
> randomly.
> I'm getting very frustrated on this issue.
> Sometimes, 100 meg files are ok, but sometimes 8meg files fails.
> Looking on a packet dump from my ethernet card, it seems just like the
> server decides to terminate the connection right in the middle of the
> upload.
> Anyone that have any idea what it could be?.
> The site affected is www.ebaman.com. I would be very gratefull if someone
> could tell me what to do.
> With best regards
> Tomas Larsson
> Sweden
> http://www.tlec.se
> http://www.ebaman.com
> http://www.ktl.mine.nu
> http://www.naks.mine.nu 
> Excellent and cheap hosting, use http://www.servage.net/?coupon=cust23962
> Verus Amicus Est Tamquam Alter Idem
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