
Great to hear that your server is working. Congratulations!

On Feb 14, 2007, at 3:30 AM, Desai, Sushant wrote:

Now my other doubt is that, http server is running with a particular IP
address, but if my machine has various IP addresses, and I want to
change the default IP address used by Apache server, how would I do it?

Use the Listen directive in the Apache configuration file:

You can listen on a specific IP address:


Or on all IPv4 addresses:


Or on a specific IPv6 address:

Listen [2001:db8::a00:20ff:fea7:ccea]:80

Or on all addresses:

Listen 80

You mentioned that you are running Apache on a cluster. You might consider using a specific configuration file on each machine that has the correct IP address information for that box, and writing your startup script to start Apache with the -d option, like

/oradata/httpd-2.2.4/bin/httpd -d /etc/httpd

Or, if you want to use the same configuration file, you can write a simple machine-specific file with JUST the information that is different for each machine, and use the Include directive to suck that into the configuration. So, in /oradata/httpd-2.2.4/conf/ httpd.conf, you would have no Listen directive, but instead:

Include /etc/httpd/conf/listen.conf

(assuming the /etc directory is specific to each cluster member)

Finally, you can use the -c and -C command-line options to httpd from your startup script to specify the listening address:

(on the machine with IP address

/oradata/httpd-2.2.4/bin/httpd -c "Listen"

It's a wealth of options, really.


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