Hi, We are running apache 2.2 on windows server 2003 and I was trying to rotate the error.log file: In httpd.conf I added ErrorLog "|c:/PROGRA~1/APACHE~1/Apache2/bin/rotatelogs.exe /logs/error.log 10" When I restart the apache server it says -unable to find the process for error log So I changed to ErrorLog "|c:/PROGRA~1/APACHE~1/Apache2/bin/rotatelogs.exe C :/PROGRA~1/APACHE~1/Apache2//logs/error.log 10" Even then it complains the same -unable to find process for error log So I changed to ErrorLog "|rotatelog.exe logs/error.log 10" for this the server does not complain any errors but it is not starting Can anyone please let me know what could be the issue here. Thanks vsg
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