At a certain sub-directory, deep in the depths of shared hosting,
where I have limited control over super-configuration settings, I
would like there to be NO DirectoryIndex kicking in.

I just want that pretty page Apache kicks out.  AutoIndex or whatever
it is.  Fancy, plain, whatever, so long as the directory is listed, no
matter what filenames happen to exist within this directory.

Is there a "ClearDirectoryIndex" setting?

Some way to turn that DirectoryIndex thingie off?

I've googled and found only one bug report similar to this, and about
a zillion "how to" sites if I wanted to turn it on... :-v

There was a proposal for:
DirectoryIndex OFF
to be interpreted as this.

And, actually, I guess it works since I shouldn't be able to screw up
badly enough to have a filename named "OFF" in there, but...

I'd rather use a documented feature than rely on a coincidental name

Any other options y'all could recommend?

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