On 12/14/06, Joshua Slive <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 12/13/06, Florian Lindner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> is is possible to define a template for a vhost config entry and use this
> template in other entries.
> For example I have the template:
> <Template>
>         ServerName $SERVER_NAME
>         ServerAlias *.$SERVER_NAME $MORE_ALIASES
>         DocumentRoot /home/$DIR/http/pub
>         CustomLog /home/$DIR/http/log/access.log combined
>         ErrorLog /home/$DIR/http/log/error.log
>         php_admin_value sendmail_path "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f
>         php_admin_value open_basedir "/home/$DIR/http"
> </Template>
> now a config use this template
> <VirtualHost *>
>         $SERVER_NAME xgm.de
>         $DIR xgmde
>         $MORE_ALIASES someotherdomain.tld
> </VirtualHost>
> Can I do something like this?
Yes, there are various modules available from
http://modules.apache.org/ that allow you to do stuff like this.  But
I'd recommend simply pre-processing your config file with
I had a similar problem, but solved it using mod_perl. Most of my
config is now written in perl...


Bremgarten b. Bern, Switzerland
"...what you don't realize is that in the future Google WILL reach
sentience, will [have had] invent[ed] a time machine, and will [have
had] travel[ed] back in time to prevent Bill Gates... only to become
Bill Gates by accident because of a search engine optimization
miscalculation." (Comment on the Dilbert Blog)

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