> -----Original Message-----
> From: Amador, Orlando M. [OBIPR] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, October 23, 2006 7:06 PM
> To: 'users@httpd.apache.org'
> Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Suppressing 403 log entries
> I have limited the access to a folder using the allow 
> directive.  I like to stop logging the 403 responses on the 
> error and access log.
> Looked at conditional logging, but it seems that the 
> environment variables are set based on the request values not 
> the response.  
> Any suggestion how can one suppress the logging of 403 
> responses for  a particular folder? 

AFAIK, the logging in apache is done at a very basic level and is not
switch-off-able (neither should it be - logs are important).

However, it's a bit of a non-problem... if you don't like looking at
403s, filter them out with a perl-script before you open the log file
(from the docs, "...It is often easier to simply post-process the log
files to remove requests that you do not want to consider...").

Alternatively, remember that you can write logs to pipe so you can put a
filter script there that discards 403s or whatever...

Owen Boyle
Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored. 

> Saludos,
> Orlando 
> Orlando M. Amador
> Technology Lead
> Ortho Biologics LLC
> (787) 854-1800 x2294 
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