Hello Steve,

Am 2006-08-21 11:32:38, schrieb Steve Swift:
> The environment variable "REQUEST_URI" will contain "/", "/page1", "/page2",

Right, but...

> "/page3", "/<randomword>" so you could use this variable (perhaps without
> the leading "/") in your default.php to select the contents of the page.

...if the server receive the request /who%20is%20Steve%20Swift

then it is to late for default.php, because the Server
can not find the URL /who%20is%20Steve%20Swift.

For some time I had seen, that I must configure apache
to point always to default.php egal which URL.

I have tried this, but the URL change all the time to /
of default.php

Do you have an example?

Thanks & Greetings
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

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