Boyle Owen wrote:
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 5:00 AM
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Indexing outside of DocumentRoot and Directory
I have the following ..
DocumentRoot "/srv/www/webroot"
<Directory "/srv/www/webroot">
and I am trying to allow
/srv/www/readit to be a directory that ONLY shows
indexes. I have tried
There are a couple of mistakes in the config, read on:
Alias /readit /srv/www/readit
So that means that the URL-path "/readit" takes you to the filesystem
path "/srv/www/readit". OK...
<Directory /readit>
Problem - "Directory" takes a filesystem path as its argument, not an
URL-path. Here, you are assigning directives to a directory called
"/readit", which doesn't exist. So nothing in this container does
anything. You should have:
<Directory /srv/www/readit>
<Location /readit>
Options FollowSymLinks Indexes
AllowOverride None
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
but it will not work.
Here is the error ..
[Wed Aug 16 19:49:18 2006] [error] [client]
client denied by
server configuration: /srv/www/readit
This means what it says "client denied by server configuration" -
nothing to do with permissions (that's a different error, "file
permissions deny server access").
I suspect you have (quite rightly) a "Deny from all" directive on the
whole filesystem and then an "Allow from all" from the docroot down. So
your request for a file in /srv/www/readit fails because it's outside
the docroot. If you just fix the path in the Directory above, it should
Owen Boyle
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but the permissions are the following,
myserver:/srv/www # ls -al readit
total 20
drwxrwsr-x 4 wwwrun www 4096 2006-08-08 04:15 .
drwxrwsr-x 40 wwwrun web 4096 2006-08-16 16:43 ..
Any ideas?
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Thanks Boyle ...
With the change now the error is as follows,
Attempt to serve directory: /srv/www/readit
Which does exist. Which does have the proper permissions.
Also, there was not "Deny from all" anywhere in the files.
I checked. :(
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