> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marc MENDEZ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 6:24 PM
> To: users@httpd.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to detect failed authentification ?
> Hum, that's a very good idea ! May be not a perfect, but very 
> interesting !

It's not perfect because the underlying technology doesn't work the way you 
think it does.

I still get the impression that you think that basic authentication involves 
setting up a persistent session and "logging-in". If you read the wikipedia 
link I sent, you will see that this is not the case. The credentials are sent 
with every request and every request is independent. There is no persistent 
session and so you are never really "logged-in" - you either have a valid set 
of credentials that you present every time, or you don't.

That Joshua and Steve have done some lateral thinking and identified a method 
that should work if you have PHP installed is happy chance, but it's not a 
general solution.

BTW, I'm not ranting on about this to be mean - I assume you have some security 
concerns that lead you to employ basic auth. If so, it's important you know how 
it works and what it's limitations are or you could get some nasty surprises 
and that would be bad for you and bad for the reputation of apache.

Owen Boyle
Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored.  

> Thanks a lot !
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Joshua Slive" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <users@httpd.apache.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 5:47 PM
> Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to detect failed authentification ?
> > On 8/15/06, Marc MENDEZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> thanks for your answer, that's what I thought.
> >>
> >> But, is there a solution to get a mail *only* when the 
> login failed ?
> >
> > If you are using php as a module, you could probably check
> > $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] as described here:
> > http://ca3.php.net/features.http-auth
> >
> > If it is empty or unset, it is likely an initial login attempt.  If
> > there is something in it but you still wound up at your 401 
> page, then
> > it is probably a bad password.
> >
> > I've never tried it, but it should work.
> >
> > Joshua.
> >
> > 
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>  p5.vert.ukl.yahoo.com uncompressed Tue Aug 15 15:27:00 GMT 2006 
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