Hi Joshua,
first, thanks for the info.
Anyhow, a few questions:
On 8/3/06, Joshua Slive <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
ehem - could you explain that to me? I don't see the sence. If you're hinting that I could figure out wether a module is installed or not,
I can see that via server-info - or do I miss your point here?
ok, will do that
hm, if it's really that, this would be bad news. Can I find this statement somewhere in the docs (didn't find it, yet). Currently I'm trying to write a filter in Tomcat to set the Expires-Header, however, if I use
response.setHeader("Expires:", createExpiresHeader()); in the doFilter(...)-method of my filter, the header also looks somewhat awkward: (the createExpiresHeader() creates the date-string)
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 CET, : Thu, 3 Aug 2006 20:13:10 CEST
Seems I don't have any option to unset the header first. To me this would look like a bug in Tomcat, since I'm expecting the method response.setHeader(...) to SET a header and not APPEND any content to an existing one.
I can, however, unset the header using mod_headers, currently I'm looking if there's any regex to SET the header via mod_headers to the current date/time plus 1 month - any idea, how I could do that?
-- > > Apache HTTPD 2.0.48, Suse 9 something, Tomcat 5.0.28 working together with
> > Apache HTTPD via mod_jk.
> Rather old version of apache.
actually it's 2.0.49 - however, we do prefer some stable version here which undergo internal and external testing, therefore chaning apache is not an option. Besides, I don't think that this would solve my problem.
> All the <IfModule ...> and </IfModule> lines just hide useful error
> messages. Get rid of them.
ehem - could you explain that to me? I don't see the sence. If you're hinting that I could figure out wether a module is installed or not,
I can see that via server-info - or do I miss your point here?
> I don't think you really want an HTTP header called ServerTokens.
> Perhaps you want to see the ServerTokens directive.
ok, will do that
> My understanding is that mod_expires acts only if no existing Expires
> header exists. It will not override existing headers.
hm, if it's really that, this would be bad news. Can I find this statement somewhere in the docs (didn't find it, yet). Currently I'm trying to write a filter in Tomcat to set the Expires-Header, however, if I use
response.setHeader("Expires:", createExpiresHeader()); in the doFilter(...)-method of my filter, the header also looks somewhat awkward: (the createExpiresHeader() creates the date-string)
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 CET, : Thu, 3 Aug 2006 20:13:10 CEST
Seems I don't have any option to unset the header first. To me this would look like a bug in Tomcat, since I'm expecting the method response.setHeader(...) to SET a header and not APPEND any content to an existing one.
I can, however, unset the header using mod_headers, currently I'm looking if there's any regex to SET the header via mod_headers to the current date/time plus 1 month - any idea, how I could do that?
what's puzzlin' you, is the nature of my game