>  Can i configure the Webserver to run as userID dts. 

You can configure the web server to run as whomever you choose.
You can change the user and group within the <IfModule
!mpm_netware_module> directive, with 'User <user>' and 'Group <group>'.
I am using Apache2.2 though.

-----Original Message-----
From: vivek k [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 1:15 AM
To: users@httpd.apache.org
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reg. Permissions problem

Hi All,
  I am Vivek. I am faced with a problem regarding an applications which
runs under Redhat Linux.
  The application userid is dts and groupid being dtsprod. The Apache
server httpd runs as wwwsvr and when it tries to execute the application
this application creates a log file wth userid dts and groupid as dtprod
in the /tmp directory.
  rw_r__r__   dts  dtsprod  appexec.log
  When the Apache server tries to modify the file it is gving permission
denied error in the error_log file.
  Is there a way of solving this problem ? Can i configure the Webserver
to run as userID dts. 

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