-----Original Message----- 
        From: empty body [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Sat 6/17/2006 9:41 PM 
        To: users@httpd.apache.org 
        Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] authentication problem with apache2 + ldap + 
active directory

        ldap authentication fails with the following message in the error log:
        [Sat Jun 17 21:11:19 2006] [debug] mod_auth_ldap.c(337): [client
        192.168.x.x] [22698] auth_ldap authenticate: using URL
        [Sat Jun 17 21:11:19 2006] [warn] [client 192.168.x.x] [22698]
        auth_ldap authenticate: user flastname authentication failed; URI
        /test [ldap_search_ext_s() for user failed][Operations error]
        [Sat Jun 17 21:11:28 2006] [debug] mod_headers.c(527): headers:
        this is the relevant config:
        LoadModule ldap_module modules/mod_ldap.so
        LoadModule auth_ldap_module modules/mod_auth_ldap.so
        <Location /test>
            AuthType Basic
            AuthName "LDAP test"
            AuthLDAPBindDN "CN=BindLDAPUsername,OU=Generic 
            AuthLDAPBindPassword password
            Require valid-user
        when i capture the traffic between the AD and apache, i can see the
        bind happen, then the query, then the response with one record and
        proper sAMAccountName, but no subsequent bind to the LDAP server using
        the DN and the password passed by the HTTP client.
        i can run the same exact query using ldapsearch and it gets back
        identical results (and captured traffic looks the same):
        ldapsearch -v -W -x \
        -D"CN=BindLDAPUsername,OU=Generic IDs,DC=XYZ,DC=ABC,DC=com" \
        -H ldap://ad.host.name.com:389 \
        -b "DC=XYZ,DC=ABC,DC=com" \
        "(&(objectClass=*)(sAMAccountName=flastname))" sAMAccountName
        tcpdump capture between apache and AD:
        openldap 2.3.21 from sunfreeware.com
        solaris sparc 8
        apache 2.0.55
        thank you.
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        Hi,  I am trying to setup authentication with AD as well but I am 
having the hard time compiling Apache. Do you mind emailing me your ./configure 
line? I have apr and apr-util compiled and installed but when 'make' Apache I 
receive an error about authnz is used by apr-util and must be compiled using 
--with-ldap. This doesn't work.. Does anyone have any suggestions.



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