Hello all there is something that I don’t understand , I try to complie apache 2.2 to support dynamic loading to .so files ( unix dll ) my compilation/ configuration is as this : sh -c 'CC="cc" CFLAGS="-g -mt./configure --prefix=/myplace/apache --enable-mods-shared=most ' OR sh -c 'CC="cc" CFLAGS="-g -mt./configure --prefix=/myplace/apache --enable-modules=most ' OR sh -c 'CC="cc" CFLAGS="-g -mt./configure --prefix=/myplace/apache --enable-module=shared'
but when I try to comment out for example the mod_dumpio.so httpd.conf I getting error from apache like this : httpd: Syntax error on line 450 of /myplace/apache/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load /myplace/apache/modules/mod_hsf.so into server: ld.so.1: httpd: fatal: mod_dumpio.so: open failed: No such file or directory it seams like it compiled static , why is that ?
- [EMAIL PROTECTED] compile dynamically modules , not working Meir Yanovich