

I have to configure an ip filter for certain urls which I pass to a tomcat server. How can I do this? I suppose

Something like this won’t work:


<Directory "requestUrl">

       Options Indexes MultiViews

       AllowOverride None

       Order allow,deny

       Allow from 452.445.451.444



Configuration looks like this


# Load mod_jk module

LoadModule    jk_module  /usr/lib/apache2/mod_jk.so

# Declare the module for <IfModule directive> (remove this line on Apache 2.x)

# AddModule     mod_jk.c

# Where to find workers.properties

# Update this path to match your conf directory location (put workers.properties next to httpd.conf)

JkWorkersFile /etc/apache2/conf.d/workers.properties

# Where to put jk logs

# Update this path to match your logs directory location (put mod_jk.log next to access_log)

JkLogFile     /var/log/apache2/mod_jk.log

# Set the jk log level [debug/error/info]

JkLogLevel    info

# Select the log format

JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "

# JkOptions indicate to send SSL KEY SIZE,

JkOptions     +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories

# JkRequestLogFormat set the request format

JkRequestLogFormat     "%w %V %T"

# Send everything for context /foo to worker named worker1 (ajp13)

 JkMount /requestUrl/* worker1






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