----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 12:25
Anybody know the proper install for PHP5 under
Apache 2.2 for Windows? I had to comment out my PHP installation line in
#LoadModule php5_module
If present, this line raises a spurious
error message telling me that Apache cannot load the module due to
"file-not-found". If I change the module name to php5apache2.so instead of
.dll -- the module loads but doesn't function to provide php services -- that
is -- trying to raise a php file in the browser results a bad command
The line worked fine in config file for apache
P.S. thanks again to all who helped with comments
while I've been fighting to install Apache 2.2.
I eventually set up 2 instances of apache. One
does name-based hosting, and one is SSL-secured.