My server root is:

because that's the one that contains the dirs 'conf' and 'logs' as
mentioned on the web page you pointed to.

I have the following setup:

/users/denver/amas01/apache2.0/ - this is the dir under which work on
Apache started.  I have the following directories under apache2.0:

apache-2.0.55-install_dir -     dir under which I installed Apache
httpd-2.0.55 -  dir under which Apache was extracted from the release

curiously, there is an httpd program under both dirs:

-rwxr-xr-x   4135056 Mar 24 16:27

-rwxrwxr-x      3470 Mar 24 16:24


-----Original Message-----
From: Alexander Lazic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] making Apache work with WebLogic


On Mit 29.03.2006 20:53, Alexander Lazic wrote:
>On Mit 29.03.2006 10:12, Amalan, S wrote:
>>Sorry, still don't understand your request for "'less output' /dir",
>>though you might be pointing in the right direction when you ask me to
>>see where Apache is before EACCES - how do I determine where Apache
>>was before hitting EACCES?
>Ok can i get it anywhere the file?

Ok i got it ;-)

What is your ServerRoot?

20665/1:        chdir(0xFF2FDBD0)                               = 0
20665/1:             0xFF2FDBD0: "/"

I hope it's the ServerRoot, please can somebody correct me if i'am wrong



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