On 3/29/06, Joshua Slive <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/29/06, Tom Cat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm trying to set ORACLE_HOME so that PHP will connect to Oracle.
> >
> > I first tried to stick the following into /etc/bashrc
> >
> > ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/client_1
> > export ORACLE_HOME
> >
> > That works fine for everyone on the box who has a shell, but the
> > apache user doesn't have a shell so this never gets run and apache
> > never figures out ORACLE_HOME.
> Put the same lines in apachectl (or whatever script your system uses
> to start apache at boot).

I thought about doing that, but decided not to.  I don't handle the
updates and patches for the box.  Other times when I have modified the
scripts in /etc/init.d, when a new patch comes out my changes get
overwritten and I have to figure out why something broke.  Is there
any other way?  If not I'll do this.


> Joshua.
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