Perform a search for the old httpd path.  If you use nano/pico to edit the 
file, then press Ctrl+W to perform a word search. 

In short, if the path to the old httpd was /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd, then 
find all of the times that string appears in the file and change it to the one 
you want.  

Now, you can't  set it to apachectl, but that's fine.

/usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd -f /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf

Assuming that's the correct path, you can use that line to start Apache, for 
example.  But a simple changing of paths in the init.d file should do the 

Sorry if this wasn't clear, I just woke up and am still orienting.


-----Original Message-----

From:  Roger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subj:  Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Two versions of Apache
Date:  Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:06 am
Size:  2K

       Thanks again, but what do i edit in that httpd file
 On Mon, 2006-03-13 at 02:39 -0600, Graham Frank wrote:   Check for the file 
/etc/rc.d./init.d/httpd  If it exists, then go ahead and edit it with any text 
editor and change the httpd path.  That way, it will start your custom apache 
instead of the one which came with your os.  -Graham  -----Original 
Message-----  From:  Roger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subj:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Two 
versions of Apache Date:  Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:33 am Size:  670 bytes To:         I installed Apache 2 on Fedora this Saturday.I 
have a problem, whenever i restart my machine, it starts up the default httpd 
service that comes with Fedora, meaning i have two versions running and i have 
to shut down the default httpd then go to     /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl 
start.    I find this very cumbersome to do, how can i remove the default httpd 
so that whenever i start or run Linux, it uses the newer version!       
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