> -----Original Message-----
> From: naresh kotha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Donnerstag, 9. März 2006 04:51
> To: users@httpd.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Posting of .xml and .wml files
> Hi
>   i am having an application which will use apache server in 
> back ground .throught this application i want push .xml and 
> .wml pages in to the ip phone .when i am using GET method it 
> is working fine,i am facing problem when i am using PUT 
> method .i want to know any configuration file(httpd.conf) 
> changes has to be done in order to support POST method for 
> .xml or .wml like i need to add any handlers please help me 
> out in this  can any one explain me in detail what and all 
> changes i need to do in configuration file to support POST

I don't really understand your question... 

Apache is a server so it responds to requests from clients (eg, IP phone) - 
this is a "pull" architecture, not a push...

The client usually sends requests using the GET method. If the client has a lot 
of data to send (eg, form submission) it may use the POST method. Apache 
handles both methods by default and you don't need to do anything special 
(except, obviously, provide a resource to handle the request).

The PUT method is used by clients writing data to the server (eg, distributed 
authoring). Apache doesn't support this method by default - you need to install 

Is your server available on the public internet? If you provide a sample URL, 
we can test it out...

Owen Boyle
Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored. 

> Thanks
> Naresh
> Nick Kew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>       On Wednesday 08 March 2006 13:24, naresh kotha wrote:
>       > Hi all
>       >
>       > I am new to this group , i am having a query i.e. i 
> need to change any
>       > inf ormation in configuration (httpd.conf) file in 
> order to support POST
>       > method for .xml or .wml.
>       What do you want apache to do with these files?
>       Once you've decided that, you can look around for an 
> appropriate handler.
>       -- 
>       Nick Kew
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