On Wednesday March 08 2006 8:33 am, François Conil wrote:

> Dimitri Yioulos a écrit :

> > Joshua,

> >

> > I did just that, and got an internal server error message. error_log

> > shows the following:

> >

> > [Tue Mar 07 13:26:24 2006] [error] SSL Proxy requested for

> > www.mywebserver.com:443 but not enabled [Hint: SSLProxyEngine]

> > [Tue Mar 07 13:26:24 2006] [error] proxy: failed to enable ssl support

> > for (mail.mydomain.com)

> >

> > I don't know what I'm supposed to do to fix the first error. Regarding

> > the second, as I stated earlier, redirect works just fine for this

> > scenario, serving up an SSL'd login to my webail program.

> >

> > Your continued assistance would really be appreciated.


> Try to compile apache again with ssl support.

> (with mod_ssl under apache2, iirc)


> I had a similar problem and it solved it.


> Cheers,

> --

> François Conil

> Administrateur Systèmes et Réseaux

> <Pax> I wish my lawn was emo, so it would cut itself.



Thanks for your response.

My apache installation is RPM-based, so recompiling is not an option. That being said, I do have ssl support enabled (mod_ssl is installed).

Regarding the SSLProxyEngine problem I had, at first I tried adding that directive to ssl.conf - apache didn't like that. So, I added it to httpd.conf - apache was happy, both errors gone. So now, I get to the webmail login page(OK, it's actually OpenWebmail), but not in ssl mode. In other words, instead of seeing https://www.mywebserver.com/dir/dir/openwebmail.pl, I see http://www.mywebserver.com/dir/dir/openwebmail.pl. That's progress, but not what I'm after.

Further, if I try to log in I get an error that the path to OpenWebmail isn't found, even though it appears that I've larady reverse proxied that path.

Here's what I have now:

ProxyRequests off

ProxyVia on

SSLProxyEngine on

ProxyPass /openwebmail/ https://mail.mydomain.com/cgi-bin/openwebmail/openwebmail.pl

ProxyPass /data/ https://mail.mydomain.com/data/openwebmail/

ProxyPassReverse /openwebmail/


ProxyPassReverse /data/ https://mail.mydomain.com/data/openwebmail/

Line spaces are just for clarity. The first few directives are just things I'm trying - I'm not sure what affect they have. The directives dealing with /data/ have to do with images and other OpenWebmail pieces. But, it seems that the only way I can get the main graphic on the log in page, though, it to specify it with the ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse directives.

Sorry if I seem all over the place with this. I could stick with redirection, but sense that for my purposes, this is a better way to achieve what I want - if I could only get it to work.


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