When I tried to run Apache from webmin, the error message is:

Starting httpd: Syntax error on line 6 of
Cannot load /etc/httpd/modules/mod_auth_mysql.so into server:
object requires: cannot enable executable stack as shared object
requires: Permission denied



> Subject:      Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache not working after upgrading
> MySQL Server
> X-AntiVirus:  scanned for viruses by AMaViS 0.2.1
> (http://amavis.org/)
> is this the line from the apache error log and are you sure
> there is
> nothing else here, do you see any orphaned apache processes, i
> am
> guessing its something to do with apache binding to some IP
> thats
> conflicting with mysql, are your loop-back addresss configured
> properly
> , anyway have you checked netstat -a to see on what sockets
> the server
> is listening, also i would suggest doing an strace on the
> apache startup
> script to see where it is failing
> Kishore Jalleda
> On 2/23/06, *Max Yu* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>      I could not understand how the problem is related to
>      server.
>      The machine is running Fedora Core 4, Apache 2.0.54 and
>      server 4.1.9. And everything was fine. Then I updated
> MySQL to
>      5.0.18. Then Apache is not working any more. Start Apache
> will
>      fail.
>      The error log only has one item related to this:
>      caught SIGTERM, shutting down.
>      Why is not?
>      Thanks,

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