I started this a couple of weeks ago and I am now working on it.  I load up the html file into my browser and it shows up fine.  I click the button that launches the php file and I get error code 403:  You don't have permission to access /”c:/program on this server.  I can load the *.php file into the browser, but I cannot link to it through another page.  Any help is appreciated.  Thanks!

Here is what I have in my Apache Config File:
    DocumentRoot "/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs"

Here is my html code:
<form action="" Files/apache group/apache2/htdocs/processorder.php” method= "post">
<table border = “0”>
<tr bgcolor = “#cccccc”>
    <td width = “150” >Item</td>
    <td width = “15”>Quantity</td>
    <td align = “center”><input type = “text” name = “tireqty” size = “3”
        Maxlength=”3” /></td>
    <td align = “center”><input type = “text” name = “oilqty” size = “3”
        Maxlength=”3” /></td>
    <td>Spark Plugs</td>
    <td align = “center”><input type = “text” name = “sparkqty” size = “3”
        Maxlength=”3” /></td>
    <td colspan = "2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Submit Order" /></td>

Victor Trac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Are both the original and linked to PHP/HTML files in the
VirtualHost's DocumentRoot directive? For example, if you have:

DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"

and your original file is /var/www/html/index.php, and you are trying
to link to /var/www/php/page2.php, it is going to not allow you to
access it. Post your VirtualHost directives and the full paths to
your files if this does not work.


On 2/7/06, George Moureau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd love to see the answer to this one, I keep getting the same thing, only
> when simply trying to access other html files in the same directory....
> George Moureau
> (706) 377-3360
> On Feb 6, 2006, at 11:05 PM, Carl Maloney wrote:
> I am a ultra beginner with Apache/PHP. I got the server up and running. I
> can load up any html page/php file from my browser. I started a html file
> that has a "submit" button that is suppose to launch a *.php file. When I
> press the button, I first got Error Message: 404, File not found. In the
> html file I added the file directory to the file name, Pressed the "submit"
> button and got Error Message 403: YOu don't have permission to access / on
> this server. Any ideas?
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