> Only to make a ProxyPassReverse is not enough to make https
> Do you have in your httpd.conf at least Lines like this ?
> SSLEngine On
> SSLProxyEngine On
> Listen fe:443

Yes, I do have lines like this. However, based on the reponses from the Apache
proxy, the browser never initiates a https session. Reverse proxy directive
somehow looses the "s" in https.

Here is how I understand it.

1. ProxyPass /b-end/ http://backend/ - this one forwards my requests to
/frontend/b-end/ to http://backend/

2. ProxyPassReverse /b-end/ http://backend/ - this one forwards replies on
requests from #1 to my browser. Now, the reply says that I should use https
rather than http, namely, "backend" returns 302 Found - https://backend/, so I
tried the following rule, so the browser would try

3. ProxyPassReverse /secure-b-end/ https://backend/ - however, my browser
receives it as - Location: http(where-to-hell-is-"s"?)://frontend/secure-b-end/
and, of course, goes to port 80, not 443.

Why is that?


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