   I am also having the problem in rotatelogs for errorlogs.
In this case,
Unless giving it as
Errorlog "|C:/app2/bin/rotatelogs.exe C:/log/log123  1M"
it does not work.  Means it requires to absolute path.
But if I give
Errorlog logs/apache.log
then it works,
and if the directory contains spaces then it has be handled differently.
It seems not the kind of case as in Apache 1.3
Please Could any one tell what is the problem. Is this the right behavoiur?
Or Is my configuration wrong?
Thanks for the help.

Nehal Sangoi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I tried this option. But it is working differently then what i am thinking

I did follwoing entries in my httpd.conf file.

CustomLog "|/appl/apache/bin/rotatelogs /appl/apache/logs/mod_jk.log 5M"
CustomLog "|/appl/apache/bin/rotatelogs /appl/apache/logs/SMLOG.txt 5M"
CustomLog "|/appl/apache/bin/rotatelogs /appl/apache/logs/access_log 5M"

And cleared or made the above logfiles zero byte in logs folder. Started the
apache daemon.

Hence, right now, as my logs were of zero size, and cannot be 5M in a minute
or two as there is noone to access any site, still my logs got rotated in
the beginning itself. And, after that, when i tried accessing the URL,
apache started logging into both the log files simultaneously. Mean, the
logs started getting registered in original logfile as well as rotated
logfile. Below is the example.

338 Feb 8 03:32 mod_jk.log
92 Feb 8 03:33 mod_jk.log.1139387580
92 Feb 8 03:33 access_log.1139387580
92 Feb 8 03:33 access_log
92 Feb 8 03:33 SMLOG.txt.1139387580
4 Feb 8 03:37 httpd.pid
241023 Feb 8 03:37 error_log
5919 Feb 8 03:37 SMLOG.txt


I need something like, logs should get registered into original files only.
And, once the 5M limit is reached, it should get rotated. So that i can
remove the rotated logfiles periodically.

Kindly, provide your suggestions.


-----Original Message-----
From: Schaudt, Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 1:38 PM
Subject: AW: [EMAIL PROTECTED] RotateLogs in Apache 2.0

look at
there is a example
CustomLog "|bin/rotatelogs /var/logs/logfile 5M" common


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Nehal Sangoi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Mi 08.02.2006 08:22
An: users@httpd.apache.org
Betreff: [EMAIL PROTECTED] RotateLogs in Apache 2.0


I need to rotate logs in apache 2.0 once they reach the size limit of 5 MB.
What commands would work to carry out the reqd. job?


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