hi, i just recently downloaded Apache 2.0 to my system (apache_2.0.55-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi)
i'm running windows XP home edition.
the msi would not start downloading until i turned off my wireless connection (not sure if this could be the root of the problem). once turned off the msi wizard began. i selected a typical install... setting my network domain and server domain to "localhost".
once complete, i noticed the feather in the taskbar with the green light indicating that the apache application had downloaded successfully and was running properly. i then opened up an internet explorer browser and typed:
this is where the problem occ
urs. the
page will not load. I get your typical, "the page cannot be displayed" message. i even tried shutting down my compu
ter and
starting apache. still no luck. i've also tried this with my wireless connection on and off.
seems like i'm close but can figure out why i cannot see the default apache page in my browser.
any help would be appreciated.