> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rodrigo Monteiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Dienstag, 24. Januar 2006 17:11
> To: Lista Apache (httpd)
> Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] htpasswd in cgi (shell script)
> Hello everyone.
> I've looked for this question but can't find it in the mailing list
> archive. So, if there is an answer in a old thread, point to me...
> I'm using the httpd authentication (.htaccess and .htpasswd) for an
> cgi-bin/test dir. What I'm trying to do is another cgi (in shell
> script) that changes this file (cgi-bin/test/.htpasswd). I'm using the
> -m parameter in htpasswd to create the users.
> # cat .htpasswd
> admin:$apr1$DXEZZ/..$EuDQbwbv3Wmf1QKe.leZd0
> #
> The user is admin and the password is admin.
> How can I encrypt the string "admin" to compare with the string in the
> .htpasswd?

If I understand you, you are basically trying to test if a given plain-text 
string matches an encrypted password?

I don't know how to do this in a shell-script, but Perl provides a "crypt" 
function that encrypts a string... You could look at that.

Owen Boyle
Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored. 

> regards,
> --
> Rodrigo Monteiro
> "Free as in Freedom, not free as in free beer"
> Linux User # 403730
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