On 1/18/06, Joshua Slive <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/18/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have problems with throughput calculation from log files in apache2.
> > Using "classic" awk scripts the output is messy due to the fact that
> > the lines in the log are not sorted with respect to time.
> >  In fact each line of the logs has the timestamp of when the request
> > has been made; this means that different response times urls have
> > different orders depending on the response time itself.
> >
> >  - Is this a known bug? (with correspondig fix...)
> >  - Is there any configuration workaround? (I cannot fix the source
> > code and recompile it)
> Apache logs are not sorted by time.  That is just a fact, not a bug.
> The time is calculated when the request is received but the log line
> is written after the response is sent.  You can easily sort them
> yourself after-the-fact if you need time-sorted logs.  Otherwise,
> there is no "solution" that doesn't involve recompiling.

Actually, another alternative would be to use a piped-logger, and have
this program write out the current time, overwriting anything written
by apache.


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