whoops sorry about the mcafee
thing... i guess i didnt see your error message properly. this looks like same
problem again. why dont you download tcpview and check out which applications
are using which sockets. its available at http://www.sysinternals.com/Utilities/TcpView.html
and btw to respond to your earlier
message on apache and ssl this distribution is the best i've found so far for
windows. its a perl + modperl + php + apache + ssl combined binary available at
http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/perl/win32-bin/ its
still at apache 2.0.54 though.
- Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] error 10048 during Apache 2 ins... Emmanuel E
- Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] error 10048 during Apache ... William A. Rowe, Jr.