I am trying to install Apache Server on a SUSE LINUX Version 9 machine. The machine is X86_64.
OK, I admit that I am new at this, but I keep getting this same error. I have tried just the configure and make, and even tried building the apr/apr-util. I get this same issue on the regular make and also the make for apr-util. I think I have a corrupt /usr/lib/libexpat.so, but don't know what to do to get this corrected.
I have looked in the archives and the documentation, but have not found this particular problem. I would appreciate any help you all can give me on this one.
/bin/sh /usr/local/apr-httpd//build-1/libtool --silent --mode=link gcc -g -O2 -pthread -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DLINUX=2 -D_REEN
TRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -I/usr/local/src/httpd-2.2.0/srclib/apr-util/include -I/usr/local/src/httpd-2.2.0/srclib/apr-util/inc
lude/private -I/usr/local/apr-httpd//include/apr-1 -version-info 2:2:2 -o libaprutil-1.la -rpath /usr/local/apr-util
/httpd//lib buckets/apr_buckets_alloc.lo buckets/apr_buckets_refcount.lo buckets/apr_buckets_socket.lo buckets/apr_buckets_
file.lo buckets/apr_buckets_heap.lo buckets/apr_buckets.lo buckets/apr_brigade.lo buckets/apr_buckets_mmap.lo buckets/apr_b
uckets_pipe.lo buckets/apr_buckets_eos.lo buckets/apr_buckets_pool.lo buckets/apr_buckets_simple.lo buckets/apr_buckets_flu
sh.lo crypto/apr_sha1.lo crypto/apr_md4.lo crypto/apr_md5.lo crypto/getuuid.lo crypto/uuid.lo dbm/apr_dbm_ndbm.lo dbm/apr_d
bm_sdbm.lo dbm/apr_dbm.lo dbm/apr_dbm_gdbm.lo dbm/apr_dbm_berkeleydb.lo dbm/sdbm/sdbm_hash.lo dbm/sdbm/sdbm_lock.lo dbm/sdb
m/sdbm_pair.lo dbm/sdbm/sdbm.lo encoding/apr_base64.lo hooks/apr_hooks.lo ldap/apr_ldap_init.lo ldap/apr_ldap_url.lo ldap/a
pr_ldap_option.lo misc/apr_reslist.lo misc/apr_rmm.lo misc/apu_version.lo misc/apr_queue.lo misc/apr_date.lo uri/apr_uri.lo
xml/apr_xml.lo strmatch/apr_strmatch.lo xlate/xlate.lo dbd/apr_dbd.lo dbd/apr_dbd_sqlite2.lo dbd/apr_dbd_sqlite3.lo dbd/ap
r_dbd_pgsql.lo -lrt -lcrypt -lpthread -ldl -lgdbm -ldb-4.2 /usr/lib/libexpat.la /usr/local/apr-httpd//lib/libapr-1.la -
lrt -lcrypt -lpthread -ldl
/usr/lib/libexpat.so: could not read symbols: Invalid operation
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [libaprutil-1.la] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/httpd-2.2.0/srclib/apr-util'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
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- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Having trouble installing Apache 2.2.0 on... Kathy . Rixham