Before we started spending money on analytics, I did some work with analog and webalizer. Both are decent tools for the task. Once the demand started to increase, I took peices of openstats (does anyone else even know of this one?) and did a bit of work to it. Made it real-time, added demographics, etc. It's a decent package to start with if you want to create a custom solution, but requires a lot of time. Can probably use webalizer to generate the html into pw protected framework.

From: Sean Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [mailto:Sean Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Re: Can Anyone Recommend A Log Analyzer?

It was just announced that Google will be offer web analytics for free
as well. They bought Urchin. Urchin was a very capable commercial
product used by many ISPs.

As for open source, I've always used the comination of Analog
( and Report Magic
( Works great!


On 11/14/05, Joshua Kugler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> I've had good look with webalizer. Works well, quite flexible, and as
> detailed as you want to be, basically.
> j----- k-----
> On Saturday 12 November 2005 07:25, David P. Donahue wrote:
> > I'm looking for some recommendations for freeware (open source a plus,
> > but not really necessary) log analyzers. I've found various projects on
> > the subject around sourceforge and freshmeat, but I'm wondering if
> > anybody's been happy with anything in particular. Specifically, I need
> > something that will output a little HTML-based (other formats a plus)
> > summary with charts and graphs and such. Kind of like this:
> >
> >
> >
> > Of course, I looked up that product and it costs far too many monies.
> > Basically, I'm going to be hosting some websites for family and friends,
> > and hopefully branching out into a small business as such. I'd like to
> > include a traffic analysis page like this for clients to help sell the
> > service.
> >
> > Has anyone used something with which they've been pretty happy?
> > Ideally, if it can run on Linux and have the analysis be cron-able (that
> > is, doesn't require a GUI to be running) that would be awesome.
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> > David P. Donahue
> >
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> Joshua Kugler
> CDE System Administrator
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