> -----Original Message-----
> From: Olaf van der Spek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Are you sure you're not confused yourself too?

Only by the confusion surrounding this topic...

> Which module would that be?

The module mentioned by Nick - mod_gnutls 

But as has been pointed out, it's under development and in any case browser 
support for Server Name Indication is not yet widespread.

Owen Boyle
Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored. 

BTW, I didn't write the line below so don't attribute it to me...

> > mod_ssl Added a support for RFC 2817, which allows 
> connections to upgrade from clear text to TLS encryption.
> This one allows a HTTP connection (on port 80) to be upgraded to HTTPS
> (in the same TCP connection).
> What you are describing is an extension to TLS (that'll work for all
> protocols), but I'm not sure if Apache supports that.

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