I’m running Apache 2.0.52 on RHEL 2 (EM64T)

I’ve installed mod_auth_pam and have got the user authentication working correctly from a windows AD.

However, I’m finding that I’m getting asked to re-authenticate multiple times.


In a simple example I might get a page index.html with multiple images. The index.html downloads but then the next entry in the httpd log is a 401 for image1.gif. My browser prompts (again) for username/password but even while it is waiting for a response I see GETs for image2.gif, image3.gif etc.


If I cancel the username/password dialog box and then refresh the browser I get the gif which was missing the first time around but this time get the 401 on a different image. It seems to always be the second GET which causes this.


Has anyone seen this?



David Barham

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