Hi all,


Is it very urgent to find a way:


We are currently using the "mod_proxy" (proxy + reverse proxy) Apache module to forward some HTTP requests to an external HTTP

standalone server application. The HTTP clients contacting our front Apache server are using chunked encoding + HTTP POST.


Our problem is that when Apache forwards the HTTP requests to the external HTTP application, they are no more chunked,

and they don't have any content-length header either.


The HTTP application contacted handle correctly chunked requests, or normal requests with content-lenght, but the

case of normal requests without content-length is not handled properly :(


So, the question is: is there any way to:


  a) make Apache forwarding HTTP requests without any modification (keep the body chunked).


  b) make Apache adding the body content-length, as it knows the total length of the body he as "unchunked".


Or, maybe if you have any idea of another solution ?



Thanks for your help,


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