
If you have downloaded and compiled the server from the sorce code then you need to put the "S" script in the required runlevel. If you have installed the apache from the distribution (redhat) then just issue the following command and your server will be up and running everytime the OS restarts.


rit jhaveri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

09/19/2005 09:31 AM

Please respond to

users@httpd.apache.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] S & K httpd scripts for Linux

try locating your scripts in ur default init directory.... for that check your /etc/inittab file... having entry as
where n is the number of ur default runlevel....

Ritesh Jhaveri

On 9/16/05, Joshua Slive <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 9/16/05, Marty Landman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd like Apache 1.3 to start automatically when my Linux system reboots.
> Looking into it understand that an Snnhttpd and Knnhttpd script need to be
> put into /etc/rc2.d - since they're not already there. Are these to be
> found somewhere on my Apache install? Or do I look elsewhere.
> Sorry if this isn't the right list to post this question.

The apachectl script included with apache will act like a sysv init
script (which is what you are looking for).  But whether it will work
correctly or not depends on the details of your system.  You'd
probably have best luck consulting the users list for your OS


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