Hey Joyce,
Sorry, I hadn't been able to get back to you regarding your suggestion.
I had already defined prefix and exec-prefix in my config.layout as
FannieMae.  Here are the full details of that file:
<Layout FannieMae>
    prefix:        /export/webapps/suse/webserver/apache/2.0.49
    exec_prefix:   ${prefix}
    bindir:        ${exec_prefix}/bin
    sbindir:       ${exec_prefix}/sbin
    libdir:        ${exec_prefix}/lib
    libexecdir:    ${exec_prefix}/lib/modules
    mandir:        ${exec_prefix}/share/man
    sysconfdir:    /export/webapps/suse/webserver/apache/2.0.49/config
    datadir:       ${exec_prefix}/share
    iconsdir:      ${datadir}/icons
    htdocsdir:     /export/appl/website
    manualdir:     ${htdocsdir}/manual
    cgidir:        ${prefix}/usr/lib/cgi-bin
    includedir:    ${exec_prefix}/include
    localstatedir: ${prefix}/var/run
    runtimedir:    ${prefix}/var/run
    logfiledir:    /export/webapps/suse/webserver/logs/2.0.49
    proxycachedir: ${prefix}/var/cache/proxy
    infodir:       ${exec_prefix}/share/info
    installbuilddir: ${sysconfdir}/build
    errordir:      /export/webapps/suse/webserver/logs/2.0.49

Everything goes where it needs to when I do a "make install", however
the apachectl script is not being modified to the directory stucture

Does the apachectl script actually get modified at compile time, and if
so, by what?  I'd like to leave the source alone as much as possible (as
we have a contract for support if I can get this to work), but if
needed, I can make adjustments.

Thanks for your help,

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-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Joyce [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 5:12 PM
To: users@httpd.apache.org
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Compiling issue...

On 8/30/05, Zottl, Julian (Contractor) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello all,
> Recently I compiled Apache 2.0.49 on Suse Linux using the following: 
> ./configure --enable-layout=FannieMae --with-program-name=apache2 
> --disable-mandir --disable-iconsdir --enable-static-rotatelogs \
> --disable-isapi --enable-static-rotatelogs --disable-autoindex 
> --enable-info --disable-userdir --enable-rewrite --enable-so 
> --with-mpm=worker
> Everything compiles successfully, however, after compiling, I need to 
> manually modify apachectl to point to the correct places.  
> Specifically, I need to edit:


> Take care,
> Julian


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