> Have you tried it?  What happened?

It worked after a few modifications

> Your idea is basically fine, except you should pick a character other than
> |, because that character is special in a rewritemap (used to
> designate a default value).  (Perhaps it doesn't matter if it is in
> quotes; I've never tried this myself.)

The quotes are passed along with the values so I didn't use them.
Here's what works

RewriteRule ^/getpdf\.php$

> But you worry me a little when you talk about all the stuff you are
> doing in your RewriteMap.  These programs should be extremly simple
> because they run as root, and they are a choke point in that only one
> request at a time can be processed through the RewriteMap.

My mapping program only makes two database queries, one to get the
filename, and a second query to log the download. By default i have it
sending back "NULL\n". That value only gets changed if both queries
execute without error. I'm using @ to prevent any error output.

Thanks for your help.

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