I don't understand this file system, but it sounds
like you're referring to folders that list articles
about various species. In fact, my pages will consist
of a variety of articles, as well as snippets of
information  from a MySQL database.

For example, consider two static pages, each with a
different $mycode value on the head section:

$mycode = 'wolf';
$mycode = 'tiger';

One would draw data related to the wolf from the
database, while the other would display information
about the tiger.

I haven't yet figured out how CMS's use a single page
or template to display different articles. But it
seems like it could be done by simply replacing
$mycode = 'wolf'; with a variable - $mycode =

Then, if a visitor clicked a link to kangaroo, that
would somehow be translated to $mycode = 'kangaroo';.

And since my database will include a variety of
scientific names and common names - like wolf, Canis
lupus, etc. - it should be relatively easy to insert
those in my URL's. For example, a URL might look
something like this:


I would then like to use mod_rewrite to clean it up so
that it displays it like this:


It would also be cool if it could display additional
search engine-friendly links from my database, like...


But the message I'm getting is that this is hard to do
with mod_rewrite, so I'd be better off sticking with a


--- Sean Conner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It was thus said that the Great David Blomstrom once
> stated:
> > 
> > I want to create a content management system that
> > produces user/search engine-friendly URL's like
> these:
> > 
> > www.geozoo.org/stacks/Carnivora/
> > www.geozoo.org/kids/Carnivora/
> > www.geozoo.org/stacks/Canidae/
> > www.geozoo.org/kids/Canidae/
> > www.geozoo.org/stacks/Canis_lupus/
> > www.geozoo.org/kids/Canis_lupus/
> > 
> > As you can see, there will be two versions of each
> > article, one for adults, the other for kids.
> > 
> > I think this is done with Apache's mod_rewrite
> > function, right? I'm currently playing with Mambo
> and
> > Drupal, each of which apparently has its own
> system
> > for doing this. Mambo has two basic versions -
> 404SEF
> > and Xaneon - both of which are all over the map.
> They
> > come in different versions, some of which are no
> > longer supported and appear to be very hard to
> > install.
>   So far, what you describe could be done by the
> file system.  You have your
> "htdocs" directory, under that you have "kids" and
> "stacks" then under each
> of those you have "Carnivore", "Canidae" and
> "Canis_lupus".  If an article
> appears under both unchanged, you can save space by
> using symbolic links (or
> shortcuts if you're under Windows).  I don't see
> where mod_rewrite comes in.
>   -spc
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