> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Simpson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Dienstag, 7. Juni 2005 13:02
> To: 'users@httpd.apache.org'
> Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] web server sometime very slow
> Hello.
> I'm developing and administering my company's intranet 
> running on Apache and
> PHP. Have found sometimes the response time for a page is 
> very good (1-2
> seconds), other times it's really bad (20-30 seconds). I've 
> looked through
> the userlist messages for some clues, but cannot see anything 
> obvious. Can
> anyone suggest what I can further check?

You need to identify the requests which are slow. Add %T or %D to the LogFormat 
and then look for slow requests. Then try to figure out why.

Also, do the pages rely on any backend process (eg, DB access etc.) or network 
latency (mounted drives etc)

Owen Boyle
Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored. 

> Some details:
> Apache 2.0.45 (Win32), PHP/4.3.9
> httpd.conf: HostnameLookups Off
> ----------------------------------------------
> Michael Simpson
> Systems Development
> Express Newspapers
> Number 10, Lower Thames Street
> London, EC3R 6EN
> (switchboard) 0871 434 1010
> (direct line) 0871-520-7225
> (IT fax)              0871-520-7799
> ----------------------------------------------
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