I've a question on Http cookies.
Let's say a http client application is communicating with a web-application, which has two operations "Login" and "getDetails". This web application needs session maintenance using cookies between the "Login" and "getDetails" operation.
I call these operations as follows -
1. Create a connection to the web server. Call "Login" operation and extract the cookie(s) from the response.
2. Create a *fresh* connection to the web server. Call "getDetails" operation after setting the cookie(s) extracted in step 1.
Will this work fine?
Basically I've following doubts -
Are cookies are associated with underlying connection or they are independent of the physical connection. Does web-server care only about the "right" cookie or it also care about the physical connection, which is used to send cookies.
thanks & regards,
Naresh Agarwal
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