> -----Original Message-----
> From: Justin Gehring [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Montag, 9. Mai 2005 05:41
> To: users@httpd.apache.org
> Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Looking for a Favicon/Robots Solution
> Hi all,
> I apologize if someone has posted on this but I did not find 
> it searching the
> archives.
> I currently manage an apache webserver 1.3.33 with a large number of
> virtualhosts. As you can guess, my log files are ridden with 
> 404's about the
> missing robots.txt and favicon.ico files. One obvious 
> solution to this problem
> is to put an icon and robots file into all of there root 
> level directories, but
> this takes work. Instead, I wanted to use mod_rewrite to just 
> have all the
> address's rewrite to a common favicon, in the event that 
> there was no favicon
> present (same with robots). The code looked like this (thank 
> you: laffey.tv)
>   RewriteEngine On
>   RewriteRule  .*favicon\.ico$         /var/web/favicon.ico [L]
>   RewriteRule  .*robots\.txt$         /var/web/robots.txt [L]
> I put that in my main server conf file thinking that it would 
> catch all
> addresses, and if it failed to find one of the files, it 
> would spit out the
> common file. This hit a glitch though, it appears that Apache 
> sends the address
> information to the virtual host before running it through the 
> main config
> (unless i have something else wrong). This means that I can't 
> just write this
> one rule once, I would have to put it into every single 
> virtualhost. 

Exactly. The request is assigned to a particular VH based on it's TCP/IP and 
HTTP header attributes. Thereafter, the only directives which apply to it are 
those inside the VH container or those "outside" which have "server" context 
http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/mod/directive-dict.html#Context ).

You need to put the rule in every VH...

> I'm curios
> if anyone knows a way around this. 

... unless you can specify it globally using mass virtual hosting
(http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/vhosts/mass.html ).

Owen Boyle
Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored. 

> If not, can anyone recommend any
> documentation the apache stuff for writing custom mod's?
> -----------------------------
> --     Justin Gehring      --
> --   PH: 651 - 208 -8797   --
> -----------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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