Hello Apache users,


I may have found a bug in httpd-2.1.3-beta mod_proxy_balancer.  Or more likely I just don’t have it configured properly.  Here’s the entries from httpd.conf:


    ProxyRequests on

    ProxyVia on

    <Proxy balancer://mycluster>

        Allow from all




    ProxyPass /SPECjAppServer balancer://mycluster/SPECjAppServer

    ProxyPass /Supplier balancer://mycluster/Supplier


The proxy/balance thing works great until I pass this URL to Apache:




The URL that gets forwarded to the back-end server is missing the URL arguments (the “?action="" part).


The URL passed in to proxy_balancer_pre_request() already has the URL arguments stripped out.  I have put my own horrible hack of a solution into rewrite_url(), this does work but it is obviously not correct:


static int rewrite_url(request_rec *r, proxy_worker *worker,

                        char **url)



    *url = "" worker->name, path, NULL);

    /* new stuff */

    if (r->args) {

        *url = "" *url, "?", NULL);

        *url = "" *url, r->args, NULL);



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