
OpenHAB 4.2.1 is written in Java and has a Groovy 4.0.11 plugin to programme 
logic.  It allows writing code outside of classes, which is executed 
immediately.  When I place a file openhab/jsr223/test.groovy:

  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
  logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("l")
  class A {
    public A() {
  A a = new A()

the system logs

2024-08-21 12:15:21.061 [ERROR] [ipt.internal.ScriptEngineManagerImpl] - Error 
during evaluation of script ‘/etc/openhab/automation/jsr223/test.groovy’: 
javax.script.ScriptException: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such 
property: logger for class: A

How can I make logger visible within the methods of class A, without passing it 
as parameter to the constructor?

Also asked at 

Kind regards

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