Le dim. 14 avr. 2024 à 03:32, Adrien Guichard
<adrien.guich...@taack.org> a écrit :
> Is there any guideline to port AST Transformations for Groovy 4.0 ?
> I am porting Taack-UI to Groovy 4.0, and I am stuck with errors like:
> [. . . ]
>   General error during instruction selection: size==0
> [. . .]
> At the moment I just added casts at ReturnStatements. (See 
> https://github.com/Taack/infra/blob/main/taack-ui/src/main/groovy/taack/ast/model/TaackFieldEnumASTTransformation.groovy)

More info:

Look around
- line 353 for getter method processing;
- line 321 for fields processing;
- line 170 for self;

Other parts of the code should depend on Grails only, so no impact.

The goal of those transformations is mainly to add getters with '_'
appended to add meta info to fields (like field name).


Adrien Guichard
+ 33 6 10 78 75 88
29 Boulevard Edgar Quinet
75014 Paris

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