And if anyone is interested to print the cliBuilder usage in the order that you 
added them, try

def cli = new CliBuilder(usage:'Blaa')
cli.formatter.setOptionComparator({a,b -> 1})

cli.usage() will now print in the order added (x then a).

Merlin Beedell
From: Merlin Beedell <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2024 3:42 PM
Subject: Displaying the entered command-line options as parsed by clibuilder

I thought this might be useful... I wanted an easy way to print the parameters 
passed to groovy CliBuilder.
Unlike the usage() method that prints the 'how to use' (header/parameter 
options/footer), I just wanted to print the final parsed value set.
(Perhaps something like this could be incorporated into CliBuilder's 
OptionAccessor - a pretty print method?)
It turns out to be a one liner [for basic single args] and 1 more for 
additional args.  For example...

def cli = new CliBuilder(usage:'''Cryoserver Export to PST''', footer:'''
V1.0 MGB Jul 2020.''')
cli.i(longOpt:'input', args:1, required: true, argName:'filepath', type:File, 
'a directory containing Cryoserver Export zip files')
cli.o(longOpt:'output', args:1, required: true, argName:'filepath', type:File, 
'output into this directory')
cli.d(longOpt:'depth',args:1, required: false, argName:'number', type:int, 
defaultValue: '1', 'levels of subdirectories to traverse. Default 1.')
cli.m(longOpt:'max',args:1, required: false, argName:'number', type:int, 
defaultValue: '50000', 'Max num mails per pst. Default 50000.')
cli.t(longOpt:'threads',args:1, required: false, argName:'number', type:int, 
defaultValue: '4', 'number of threads. Default 4.')
cli.w(longOpt:'wrapped', args:0, required: false, defaultValue:false, 'Include 
Wrapper? Default = false (strip any wrapper)')
cli.x(longOpt:'filefilter', args:1, required: false, argName:'regex', 
defaultValue: fileMatch, "a regex to select required export files. default = 
cli.'?'(longOpt:'help', 'help')

def opts = cli.parse(['-i','b','-o','c', 'plus', 'more'])
if (!opts) { //if invalid opts then it prints usage by default
cli.options.options.each {println "-$it.option(${it.longOpt}) = 
if (opts.arguments()) {println opts.arguments()}

prints (note - args are in the same order as defined):
-i(input) = b
-o(output) = c
-d(depth) = 1
-m(max) = 50000
-t(threads) = 4
-w(wrapped) = false
-x(filefilter) = .*
-?(help) = false
  [Plus, more]

Merlin Beedell

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