In a sense, yes, but (from the top of my head*):

1. Even in the statically compiled domain with some things missing
    1. e.g. many AST-transformation annotations, such as
       @InheritConstructors comes to mind, which we use all the time.
    2. Or macros.
2. And also with a syntax (taken from Javascript) imho not well suited
   for a strongly typed language (name : type = value, instead of the
   much more readable type name = value as in all C-like languages).


*Caveat: I only look at Kotlin from time to time, so some of what I say may be outdated.

>  @CompileStatic predecessor Groovy++ (which later afaik gave birth to Kotlin).

I totally agree here. In a sense Kotlin is a statically-typed Groovy.

Dr. Vasileios Anagnostopoulos (MSc,PhD)

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