Yes, please create a ticket.

On Mon, Aug 7, 2023 at 11:16 PM Gillespie, Oli <>

> Hi Jochen,
> Thanks for looking, and for the findings - interesting!
> Actually I think my reproducer was not a good representation of the real
> issue I saw in production.
> I added the getName() call in my first repro as a random thing to do with
> the argument, but that introduced unintended behaviour.
> My real case is closer to this (literally implementations of List, in my
> case):
> ```
> def foo(List<String> x) {  }
> def bar(List<String> x) { foo(x) }
> List<String> l1 = new ArrayList();
> List<String> l2 = new LinkedList();
> while (true) {
>     bar(l1)
>     127.times { bar(l2) }
> }
> ```
> The call site causing the difficulty here is (I think) foo(x) within bar,
> where a 'sameClasses' guard is inserted and
> invalidates the previous method handle whenever the argument class changes
> (LinkedList != ArrayList) -
> I confirmed this by adding logging to the guard.
> Oli
> P.S. I now have a JIRA account for Groovy, should I create a ticket?
> Amazon Development Centre (London) Ltd. Registered in England and Wales
> with registration number 04543232 with its registered office at 1 Principal
> Place, Worship Street, London EC2A 2FA, United Kingdom.

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