The *CodeNarc Team* is pleased to announce the release of version *3**.3.0*.

CodeNarc <> is a static analysis tool for Groovy
source code.

Version *3.3.0* includes four new rules:

   - SpockMissingAssert rule (junit) - Checks for boolean conditions
   intended as assertions within Spock tests that are nested within a block
   and are thus ignored.

   SpaceAfterCommentDelimiter rule (comments) - Checks that there is
   whitespace after comment characters (// and /*).

   SpaceBeforeCommentDelimiter rule (comments) - Checks that there is
   whitespace before comment characters (// and /*).

   NoScriptBindings rule (concurrency) - Checks for global variables that
   are bound to a script; they can cause concurrency bugs.

And several bug fixes and enhancements. See the full details in the release
notes <>.

Check us out on GitHub <>!

We also provide some basic CodeNarc Docker images

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