I am planning to prepare a 4.0.13 candidate for voting today or tomorrow. We have been held up by a Jfrog glitch which has delayed completion of our CI testing:
https://status.gradle.com/incidents/7x4wqd7zv715 This is mostly fixed but there are still some artifacts like below which hasn't been reinstated yet which impacts our ability to complete regression testing of Micronaut builds: https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/null/groovydoc-gradle-plugin/null/groovydoc-gradle-plugin-null.pom I am also planning a 3.0.18 release which is also impacted by above and also I am still completing my review of recent GROOVY-11107 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GROOVY-11107> changes. So that candidate will be similar to above plus at most one more day. Cheers, Paul. <https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail> Virus-free.www.avast.com <https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2> On Mon, Jun 26, 2023 at 12:16 PM Alberto Lepe <d...@alepe.com> wrote: > Is there a planned release date for 4.0.13? > > This issue: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GROOVY-11072 > was solved and merged a month ago, but we are still waiting for its release > so we can release our library. > > Thank you. >