The current plan is before the end of the month, probably next week. I don't think there is much more planned for that branch before release but we've only a handful of fixes on the 3_0_X and 4_0_X branches and we'll likely want to make a few more changes to one of those. We normally release a couple (sometimes 3) branches together.
Cheers, Paul. On Tue, Mar 21, 2023 at 12:18 PM Jason Harris (UK) via users <> wrote: > Hi, > > Is there a planned release date for 2.5.22? > > We are affected by and > are unable to upgrade to Groovy 3+ > > Thanks > > Jason > > > -------------------- End of message text -------------------- > The New Equation is our global strategy to address the challenges facing > businesses and society. We take a human-led, tech-powered approach to > building trust and delivering sustained outcomes. Find out more. > <> > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > This email is confidential and is intended for the addressee only. If you > are not the addressee, please delete the email and do not use it in any way. > PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP accepts no liability for any use of or reliance > on this email by anyone, other than the intended addressee to the extent > agreed in the relevant contract for the matter to which this email relates > (if any). > PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP is a limited liability partnership registered > in England under registered number OC303525, with its registered address at > 1 Embankment Place, London, WC2N 6RH. It is authorised and regulated by the > Financial Conduct Authority for designated investment business and by the > Solicitors Regulation Authority for regulated legal activities. For > security purposes and other lawful business purposes, PwC monitors outgoing > and incoming emails and may monitor other telecommunications on its email > and telecommunications systems. > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > Visit our website and see our privacy statement for > details of why and how we use personal data and your rights (including your > right to object and to stop receiving direct marketing from us). > ---------------------------------------------------------------- >